Remembrance Archive

culture & education
client: Institute of National Remembrance
animated narrative animations branding website digital museum logo prints ux website website design
detailed scope: concept, UX / UI, development


Our goal was to encourage people to share their family heirlooms and documents related to the history of the Polish people between 1917 and 1990.
Our role was to create branding and visual identity, as well as the whole website along with copywriting.

Our client

The Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance collects, elaborates on, and discloses materials related to the history of the Polish people between 1917 and 1990,
i.e. mainly under German and Soviet occupation, and during the communist period.


The Archive used to communicate with an obscure, very formal language typical for academics. We have adjusted that. We created a call-to-action copywriting that people with no expert-level history background may comprehend. We emphasized the value of the project to users – you can save your family’s stories. Share your family’s souvenirs, so they are not forgotten.

Call-to-action button floats and stands out from the background. It follows the user during his journey through the page.


The donation process is quite complicated and can be discouraging. We have created a step-by-step infographic to explain it in an approachable way.

Inspirational stories

Stories related to souvenirs and documents are published on the website. All of them are illustrated by the photos donated to the Archive. Last, but not least, all donors are mentioned on the website.

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“Reflection. I am like you, surely” interactive installation

Warsaw Rising Museum

You can positively affect how much we know about distant history. You can also help unravel historical mysteries and take care of the memories of your loved ones at the same time. The Archive Full of Memory project welcomes you to submit your family souvenirs from your cupboards and cellars, so they are not forgotten. Let them live longer!

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